Project Type
React SPA
Based on React
Based on React-Router to implement front-end routing
Use typescript to develop
Use webpack to package
Comply eslint standard
Comply stylelint standard
Apply prettier to format code
Seamless support CSS Modules and global-css without extra configuration
Based on Vue
Based on Vue-Router to implement front-end routing
Use typescript to develop
Use webpack to package
Comply eslint standard
Comply stylelint standard
Apply prettier to format code
React SSR
Based on React
Based on nextjs enterprise high performance node framework
Use typescript to develop
Support use koa to custom node server
Search engine friendly SEO
React Component(library)
Support multiple component library demo and document framework such as storybook, docz and styleguidist
Based on React
Use Jest to cover components unit-test
Use gulp to package
Use typescript to develop
Comply eslint standard
Comply stylelint standard
Apply prettier to format code
Vue Component(library)
Based on Vue
Use Jest to cover components unit-test
Use gulp to package
Use typescript to develop
Comply eslint standard
Comply stylelint standard
Apply prettier to format code
Based on storybook which is component library demo and document framework
Based on dumi which is demo and document framework for the project
使用 mocha 进行Node端的单页测试
使用 karma 进行浏览器端的单页测试
Use rollup to package
Use typescript to develop
Comply eslint standard
Apply prettier to format code
You can input omni -h
in the command-line-tool to check all support commands:
init [options] [strategy] initialize your project, [strategy] could be stable(default) or latest
dev [options] omni dev [-p <port>] [-H <host>] [-P <path>]
start [options] omni start [-p <port>] [-H <host>] [-P <path>]
new [options] [name] omni new [name] [-f | -c] [-P <path>]
build [options] build your project according to the [omni.config.js]'s build field
release [options] publish your project according to the [omni.config.js]'s release field
omni init
Initial your project by answer several questions
omni init
Initial your project with lastest denpendencies
omni init lastest
Initial your project without install dependencies
omni init -n
Initial your project according to some template
omni init -t [projectName]
omni init --react_entire [projectName]
Usage: omni init [strategy] [options]
initialize your project, [strategy] could be stable(default) or latest
strategy stable or latest
-rb, --react_basic [name] create a basic React SPA project
-rs, --react_standard [name] create a standard React SPA project
-re, --vue_entire [name] create a most versatile React SPA project
-vb, --vue_basic [name] create a basic Vue SPA project
-vs, --vue_standard [name] create a standard Vue SPA project
-ve, --vue_entire [name] create a most versatile Vue SPA project
-rS, --react_ssr [name] create a React component library
-rc, --react_components [name] create a React component library
-vc, --vue_components [name] create a Vue component library
-t, --toolkit [name] create a toolkit project
-n, --no-install init project without install dependencies
-P, --path <path> the workpath for init the project
-h, --help output usage information
omni dev
omni dev
omni dev -p 8200 // Start a dev-server with port 8200
omni dev -h // Start a dev-server with hostname
omni dev -p 8200 -h // Start a dev-server with port 8200 and hostname
Usage: omni dev [options]
omni dev [-p <port>] [-H <host>] [-P <path>]
-p, --port <port> start the dev-server according to the specified port
-H, --hostname <host> start the dev-server according to the specified hostname
-P, --path <path> the workpath for start the dev-server
-h, --help output usage information
omni start
The usage same as omni dev
Usage: omni start [options]
omni start [-p <port>] [-H <host>] [-P <path>]
-p, --port <port> start the prod-server according to the specified port
-H, --hostname <host> start the prod-server according to the specified hostname
-P, --path <path> the workpath for start the prod-server
-h, --help output usage information
omni new
omni new
omni new Button // Create a component which name is Button
omni new -c // Create a component which type is class
omni new -c Button // Create a component which name is Button and type is class
Usage: omni new [name] [options]
omni new [name] [-f | -c] [-P <path>]
name optional! The name of component.
-f, --function create a functional component
-c, --class create a class component
-P, --path <path> the workpath for create component
-h, --help output usage information
omni build
omni build
omni build -n // Build project bypass all pre-flight
omni build -c $pathTo/build.config.js // Build project according to specify config path
Usage: omni build [options]
build your project according to the [omni.config.js]'s build field
-c, --config <path> specify the path of config file
-n, --no-verify bypass all pre-check before building
-P, --path <path> the workpath for build project
-h, --help output usage information
omni release
omni release
omni release -n // Release project bypass all pre-flight
omni release -a // Release project that automatic iteration version
omni release -i // Release project that ignore automatic iteration version
omni release -m // Release project that manual iteration version
omni release -t // Release project that the tag will add to npm-package
Usage: omni release [options]
publish your project according to the [omni.config.js]'s release field
-a, --automatic automatic iteration version
-i, --ignore ignore automatic iteration version
-m, --manual <version> manual iteration version
-t, --tag <tag> the tag will add to npm-package
-n, --no-verify bypass unit-test eslint and stylelint check
-P, --path <path> the workpath for release project
-h, --help output usage information
About「omni.config.js」config file
OMNI will process of initialization, construction and template creation according to different project types
The project types:
spa-react - React single-page-application
ssr-react - React server-side-render application
component-react - React Component Library
toolkit - SDK Library
The dev-server based on express, realizing hot-update, api-proxy and other common functions. Provide personalized customization schemes such as middleware customization, port number, log output level and webpack configuration.
middleware - middleware configuration:
{ route: string; callback: (req: any, res: any) => Promise<void>; }
(params: { ip: string; port: number; host?: string; logLevel: LOGLEVEL; proxyConfig?: (ProxyItem | ProxyFn)[]; }) => { route: string; callback: (req: any, res: any) => Promise<void>; }
webpack - dev-server webpack configuration
proxy - dev-server proxy configuration
{ route: '/api', // Address of the local service for the proxy API config: { target: '', // The actual address of the proxy API changeOrigin: true // whether change the host } }
(params: { ip: string; port: number; host?: string; logLevel: LOGLEVEL; middlewareConfig?: (MiddlewareItem | MiddlewareFn)[]; }) => { route: string; config: Config; }
For more configuration, see http-proxy-middleware
port - dev-server port
host - dev-server host
https - start dev-server with https protocol which could custom
serverType - dev-server type
logLevel - The log-level which dev-server will apply, optional 'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error', 'silent'
autoRelease - auto release project after build success
srcDir - the build source directory
outDir - the directory for compiled project
esmDir - es6 module compiled directory
hash - whether the hash tag add to building result, optional 'contenthash', 'chunkhash' and 'hash'(true equal 'contenthash')
configuration - The callback will be call in the build-process, you can return your custom build configuration
reserve - Configure resources that are not packaged but need to be kept in the build result
style - whether or not reserve the stylesheet files
assets - reserve other asset paths
preflight - the flight check before build
typescript - whether or not process the ts or tsx files
test - whether or not process unit-test
eslint - whether or not process eslint check
prettier - whether or not process prettier check
stylelint - whether or not process stylelint check
autoBuild - auto build project before release process
autoTag - npm publish will auto set tag according to the current version
git - project git repo url
npm - npm depository url
preflight - the flight check before release
test - whether or not process unit-test
eslint - whether or not process eslint check
prettier - whether or not process prettier check
stylelint - whether or not process stylelint check
commitlint - whether or not process commitlint check
branch - only can release in this branch, set empty string to ignore this check
root - the root directory for generate template
typescript - whether or not apply typescript
test - whether or not generate unit-test file
stylesheet - stylesheet type
readme - [true, 'mdx'] ([whether or not, generate mdx or md file])
plugin must meet following types:
type OmniPlugin = {
name: string;
stage: PluginStage;
handler: PluginHandler;
type PluginStage = 'new' | 'build' | 'release';
interface PluginHandler {
(config: Omit<OmniConfig, 'plugins'>): Promise<any>;